
Enterprise GIS & Mobile Data Capture
NewGround EnvironmentalGeoView designed, developed and implemented an enterprise GIS for a team of around 20 ecologists and project managers at this SE Queensland based company. The system comprises hand held GPS units fully customised for remote data collection, field laptops for on-site data review and editing, a dedicated GIS Server and SQL database, and a range of custom reporting tools and automation procedures.GeoView utilised leading technology to develop this innovative solution targeted to NewGround’s specific business needs. Training programs and documentation was provided to system users. Outcomes have been major efficiencies in all aspects of the business operations, from field collection, data review and editing to report production and data management.

Palau Marine Mammal Research Project
Whales AliveIn October 2010 the government of Palau declared a new 629,000 sqm National Marine Mammal Sanctuary contributing to the conservation of the Micronesia region. Over a number of years since, Whales Alive has been engaged identifying Cetacean populations and researching the impacts of natural and anthropogenic threats in the coastal waters off Palau. GeoView has worked extensively with Whales Alive developing field survey designs for ship-based visual and acoustic line transect surveys, as well as helicopter and small plane transect surveys. GeoView has produced a range of field maps and survey support material including an array of spatial calculations. Additionally GeoView has provided input data for field GPS devices, processed GPS field data, developed a survey database and generated a range of cartographic products.

Carbon Farming Initiative: Landsat8 Satellite image vegetation classification
Country Carbon The Carbon Farming Initiative — Emissions Abatement through Savanna Fire Management Methodology – is part of the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Future Plan. GeoView was engaged to provide Project Area Vegetation maps as a critical input parameter to the Savanna Burning Abatement Tool (SavBAT2) which estimates the greenhouse gas abatement of the project.Vegetation mapping was based on spectral analysis of LandSAT 8 Satellite imagery and extensive Field Survey data together with supplementary ‘baseline’ vegetation and geological mapping. Final Vegetation classifications were verified to a minimum of 80% accuracy. Deliverable’s included SavBAT2 vegetation maps, carbon abatement reports, spatial statistics, error-matrix tables, GIS data and google earth layers.GeoView coordinated closely with the project team in locations around Australia and technicians in Barcelona Spain. GeoView developed technical procedures, project documentation, coordinated the technical team and had a significant role in compliance and audit reviews from the Regulator.

Galilee Coal Project
Waratah CoalThe Galilee Coal Project comprises a new coal mine and a 460km Railway connecting the mine to coal terminal facilities in the Abbot Point State Development Area. GeoView was engaged to undertake all GIS analysis and mapping responsibilities for this major development in the Galilee Basin. GeoView developed a comprehensive geo-database and implemented a strategy for ongoing data management. The database has since serviced all of Waratah’s internal requirements and also a diverse range of ancillary consultant’s needs. To date over 250 maps have been created for a range of reports and compliance requirements. GeoView has also performed extensive ecological modelling and undertaken a wide range of spatial analysis tasks.

Lord Howe Island Regional Environmental Plan Review
Sustainable Futures Australia (SFA)GeoView under contract from SFA worked closely with Planning NSW, NSW National Parks and Wildlife, the Lord Howe Island Board, and the local community to bring together all available spatial information relevant for the future planning of this island. Data was assessed, standardised and metadata records created. A number of layers were ground-truthed and additional data captured. GIS modelling was undertaken to determine the impact of different development scenarios on key environmental and social variables. These results provided fundamental information for the Regional Environmental Plan review. A comprehensive set of planning maps were developed and various spatial analyses performed.

North Blackwater Proposed Rail Route Selection
Balance ResourcesGeoView was contracted to undertake a constraints mapping exercise to assist determine the best route for a proposed railway near Emerald in Central Queensland. An extensive list of data layers was researched, sourced, formatted and consolidated to create a comprehensive GIS database. All data was recorded with associated metadata in a customised data inventory.GeoView created interactive maps that allowed the management team to turn individual layers off and on to assess constraints on the proposed railway route options. All mapping layers were integrated into Google Earth to facilitate a sharing of information between decision makers and ancillary consultants.

Wulli Wulli People Native Title Claim
Redcliff Project ConsultantsGeoView provided a range of GIS services for this 500,000 Hectare Central Queensland Native Title Claim. This project involved interpreting historical maps, digitising paper based records, researching statutory databases and gathering information from a range of stakeholders.A geo-database of archaeological and historical sites was developed consolidating a range of disparate GPS data-sets. Outputs included defining and creating the Claim Boundary, producing large format posters for use in community consultation and production of a range of mapping products for use in application and compliance reports.

Warrel Creek to Urunga Highway Project
Ecos EnvironmentalGeoView helped develop a custom GPS data capture solution that was utilised to undertake multiple ecological surveys, vegetation mapping and environmental monitoring over several years for this 41km highway upgrade on the mid-north coast of NSW.A database of survey results was established and a range of GIS processes have been performed. These include Threatened Species Impact analysis, Endangered Ecological Community mapping, Utility Conflict mapping and Wetland mapping. Multiple map series have been created to present survey and analysis results for a range of ecologically significant flora and fauna species.

Nerang River Catchment Management Strategy
Australian Wetlands ConsultingIn this project a team of ecologists and environmental engineers assessed the health and management of this highly urbanised catchment in South Eastern Queensland.GeoView provided base maps for field surveys, collated, processed and manipulated GPS field data and compiled a range of data layers relating to all aspects of the project. Information collected from desktop analysis and field surveys was integrated and used for a number of spatial analysis tasks including habitat assessments, foreshore stability calculations, weed density and water quality assessments. A range of cartographic and data products were produced for use in the Catchment Management Strategy report.

Bio-Solids Disposal to Agricultural Land
Sydney Environmental Soil Laboratory (SESL)SESL, a leading Sydney based soil testing laboratory, engaged GeoView to identify and define areas on NSW Central Tablelands agricultural properties that were suitable for disposing effluent waste bio-solids.GeoView researched, sourced and compiled a range of data including groundwater bores, threatened species records and soil sampling logs from statutory authorities and stakeholders. A detailed DTM (digital terrain model) was built for subject properties utilizing field GPS records and slope analysis performed. A complex array of regulations was modeled considering a range of variables including buffer distances, slope classification and landscape characteristics. Outputs were tabulated calculations of disposal quantities with associated map series defining the acceptable disposal areas.

Oxley to Kempsey Highway Upgrade
Lewis Ecological SurveysGeoView provided a range of GIS and mapping support services for multiple ecological surveys over this 47km highway upgrade on the Central Coast of NSW.Data was collected for a number of threatened flora and fauna species over various time intervals. GeoView developed detailed field guide maps to assist survey staff. Field GPS data was integrated in the GIS and used to produce a number of map series for use in ecological assessment reports. Survey data was provided to the proponent in accordance with specific data requirments.

Styx Coal Project
Sedgeman Yeats The Styx Coal project near Mackay on the Queensland Central Coast comprises a small scale open cut mine, coal processing and rail infrastructure.GeoView assisted this project with data management services consolidating previously disparate data-sets into a centralised geo-database with associated metadata records. GeoView produced numerous mapping products that have been used in a range of management plans, reports and compliance documents.